
Miami Pay-Per-Click – Miami AdWords

What is Pay-per-click (PPC):

PPC is a type of sponsored online advertising that is used on various search engine’s platform. The advertiser only pays if a web user clicks on the linked ad. Just as name suggest, “pay per click”.

PPC is a cost-effective way of getting online exposure. It let’s you target specific geographical areas, schedule when ads will appear, and of course promote your practice/ business through specific keywords that will drive traffic to your website.

In a way, PPC advertising works like a silent auction. We manage client’s bids for specific keywords. These keywords can be general or very specific to a particular service or product. When a keyword is searched, the corresponding search engine will match keyword with advertiser’s keyword. This will populate ad results at top and bottom of page making it easy for user to find product or service they are looking for.

Why Pay-per-Click:

Nothing else guarantees your desired search engine exposure and traffic. Pay-per-click / AdWords advertising is just as important as organic search engine optimization.

With AdWords campaign, you can get any amount of traffic and first page exposure for desired searches. Your budget determines how many impressions and amount of visitors you can receive. Organizing, building and managing an AdWords campaign requires knowledge of tools and understanding consumer behavior.

Proper AdWords Management will drive qualified and relevant traffic to your website that can lead to new customers, increased sales, and proper online relevance.

Ready to start your pay per click campaign?

Call your Miami pay per click experts today!